

인천시, 동네 서점 연계한 문화 행사 활성화 추진…서점 지도 제작

인천시가 책 읽는 문화 확산을 위해 동네 서점과 연계한 다양한 도서 문화 정책을 추진한다. 인천시는 시민들이 가까운 곳에 서점을 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 서점 현황이 담긴 ‘인천 책 지도’를 만들어 배포하고 동네 서점에서 책을 빌려 볼 수 있도록 대출 서비스를 시행한다고 5일 밝혔다. 또 공공도서관이 동네 서점과 연계 주민들이 원하는 책을 가까운 서점에서 바로 빌려볼 ...
El Joven Que Da A Conocer A La Patagonia Con Google Maps

El Joven Que Da A Conocer A La Patagonia Con Google Maps

Claudio Garrido es un joven estudiante de Técnico en Turismo y Naturaleza de la Universidad Austral de Chile, coyhaiquino que emprende con “360° Future View”, un proyecto que busca contribuir a la comunidad regional y al futuro turista con la actualización de mapas en la región, mediante Google Maps. Este joven emprendedor, prepara su equipamiento, ...

Digitale Karte Dokumentiert Saure Waldböden

Die Zürcher Wälder sind wie viele andere Gebiete in Mitteleuropa von Bodenversauerung betroffen. Das Amt für Landschaft und Natur hat rund zehn Prozent der Waldböden im Kanton genauer untersucht und die Ergebnisse in einer digitalen Karte dokumentiert. Für die Bewirtschaftung dieser Wälder, gerade angesichts des Klimawandels, wird die Waldbodenkarte wertvolle Zusatzinformationen geben.

GSI To Carry Remote Sensing In Bihar To Identify Magnetite-bearing Rocks

The Bihar government has decided to sign an MoU with Geological Survey of India for conducting remote sensing and aerial survey of the southern part of the state to identify magnetic anomaly on the surface representing the presence of rocks having a higher content of ferrous and ferromagnesian minerals, an official said. For the first ...
Lancement Du Portail Cartographique Des Énergies Renouvelables

Lancement Du Portail Cartographique Des Énergies Renouvelables

Afin de permettre aux élus de mener à bien cet exercice, et dans l’objectif de rendre accessible au public l’ensemble des informations relatives aux énergies renouvelables, le ministère de la Transition énergétique, le Cerema et l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) mettent en ligne un portail cartographique. Le portail cartographique a vocation à ...

Galileo Second Generation Enters Full Development Phase

ESA Director of Navigation, Javier Benedicto, invited Thales Alenia Space (Italy), Airbus Defence and Space (Germany) and Thales Six GTS (France) to sign respective contracts to initiate System Engineering Support for the next generation of Europe’s navigation satellite system. With 28 satellites in orbit, Galileo provides meter-level accuracy to more than four billion users around ...
Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Dr Timothy Cadman has successfully secured the protection of local hardwood areas once primed for logging, including native forest belonging to the proposed Great Koala National Park along the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Dr Cadman has employed geographical information systems (GIS) for data mapping and analysis of the local environment, providing evidence ...
Using AI To Push The Boundaries Of Wildlife Survey Technologies

Using AI To Push The Boundaries Of Wildlife Survey Technologies

In their research, associate professor from the NRS Department Tiejun Wang and his master’s student Zijing Wu developed an AI-model to automatically locate and count large herds of migratory ungulates (wildebeest and zebra). They used their method in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem using fine-resolution (38–50 cm) satellite imagery. They achieved accurate detection of nearly 500,000 individuals across ...
Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social media contains enormous amounts of data about people, our everyday lives, and our interactions with our surroundings. As a byproduct, it also contains a vast trove of information about the natural world. In a new study published in Flora, we show how social media can be used for “incidental citizen science”. From photos posted ...