

Aggiornamento Atlante Delle Analisi Del Terreno

E’ online sul Geoportale l’aggiornamento del servizio regionale “Atlante delle analisi del terreno”. L’Atlante è un servizio di consultazione e diffusione online dei dati di analisi dei terreni dove si possono trovare informazioni “puntuali” sullo strato superficiale dei terreni agrari del Piemonte. L’aggiornamento è consistito nell’ampliamento del numero di analisi disponibili grazie alla georeferenziazione di ...

메타버스 공간에서 진행할 협업 연구 플랫폼 만든다

실제로 건설 현장에 가서 직접 둘러보지 않고 가상공간에서 진척사항을 체크하고 변경 내용을 확인하거나 시뮬레이션을 돌려보며 상황에 따른 최적의 방안을 마련하는 것이 가능하게 되면 얼마나 좋을까. 이같은 환경을 현실화 하기 위한 연구가 한창이다. 바로 개방형확장현실(OXR) 융합연구단(단장 조금원)이 진행하고 있는 메타버스 기술을 활용한 디지털 협업 플랫폼 연구다. OXR융합연구단은 지난 2021년 말 출범한 연구조직이다. 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI), 한국과학기술원(KAIST), 한국건설기술연구원(KICT), 한국한의학연구원 ...

Gugik Publikuje Model Pojęciowy Oraz Schemat Aplikacyjny Dla Mapy Glebowo-rolniczej

Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii we współpracy z Instytutem Upraw Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – PIB oraz w uzgodnieniu z Ministerstwem Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi opracował model pojęciowy bazy danych oraz schemat aplikacyjny GML dla mapy glebowo-rolniczej dla skali 1:5000 w postaci wektorowej. Większość dostępnych dzisiaj w PZGiK map glebowo-rolniczych w skali 1:5 000 opracowano od ...

WFP-Powered GIS to Help Lesotho Stay Ahead of Climate Shocks and Hunger

On Wednesday (31 May) the Government of the landlocked kingdom of around 2 million people in southern Africa launched a GIS (geospatial information systems) platform, facilitated by the World Food Programme (WFP) that could be a game-changer for the country on a number of fronts, not least in training and providing resources for up to ...

‘India Conducts Asia’s First Demo Of Performance-based Navigation For Copters’

India conducted Asia’s first demonstration of performance-based navigation for helicopters for a flight from Juhu in Mumbai to Pune using GAGAN satellite technology, civil aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said on Wednesday. GAGAN — GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation — is a state-of-the-art space-based augmentation system which adds more accuracy to output of GPS Navigation system ...

Geospatial Startup Partners With World’s Largest Mapping Company To Improve Urban Planning To Create Happier And Healthier Cities

A “pioneering” British tech startup aims to improve urban planning for towns and cities by helping planners to better respond to local needs for community facilities, spaces and events. Yeme Tech, has created a highly sophisticated Community Data Platform (CDP) to help planners and developers instantly identify social infrastructure, facilities, and community spaces which are ...

Arianespace Will Launch Kompsat-6 With The Vega C For KARI

Kompsat-6 is the second SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging satellite developed by KARI and will replace its predecessor, Kompsat-5, while deploying improved imaging radar performance. This EO satellite will carry two payloads, the SAR instrument (X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar) and the S-AIS (Satellite-Automatic Identification System). SAR payload is a high-resolution all-weather imager, which has applications ...

Delhi To Have AI-based Traffic System By 2024-end: Official

The national capital will have an artificial intelligence-based traffic system by the end of next year to reduce congestion and facilitate faster and smarter vehicular movement, a senior official said on Wednesday. Speaking at ASSOCHAM seventh road safety conference here, Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Surender Singh Yadav mentioned that the Intelligent Traffic Management System ...

Les Sols Des Zones Oasiennes En Proie À Une Baisse De Fertilité

La dégradation des sols des palmeraies impacte négativement la fertilité de cet écosystème aussi rare qu’essentiel sur le plan social. Grâce à une étude réalisée par des scientifiques marocains, la caractérisation des besoins des terres oasiennes via des cartes thématiques permettra de se prémunir contre ce danger. L’étude en question a été déclinée sous forme ...

NASA Supercomputer Enables Seasonal Forecasts for High Mountain Asia

Using forecasts run on a NASA supercomputer, scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; the University of California, Berkeley; and the Korea National University of Transportation assessed the ability of NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System Subseasonal to Seasonal Version 2 (GEOS-S2S-2) forecasting system to predict atmospheric and land surface conditions ...