

GeoHub: Nueva Aplicación Monitorea Riesgos Ambientales Y Ante Desastres En La Cuenca Del Río Maipo

El objetivo de esta plataforma, desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN) y el Observatorio de la Costa, es transferir conocimiento científico relacionado con la gestión de cuencas y áreas litorales. La aplicación incorpora herramientas de captura, catalogación y visualización de datos geoespaciales. El trabajo es liderado ...
Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

The Met Office has launched a new online portal to provide government and business organisations with improved access to climate data. The Climate Data Portal has been built using geospatial technology from Esri UK as part of their strategic partnership, and to help users combine Met Office data with their own to assess the future ...
ENEA Mappa L’agrivoltaico Italiano

ENEA Mappa L’agrivoltaico Italiano

ENEA ha realizzato una mappa del potenziale agrivoltaico nazionale su scala regionale in grado di supportare le PA nella pianificazione dello sviluppo del settore. Elaborata da un team di ricercatori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Portici su criteri di minimizzazione dell’uso del suolo e ottimizzazione della produzione energetica e agricola, la mappa è ora in ...
Artificial Intelligence-based Computer Vision System Can Count And Measure Shrimp With Up To 95% Accuracy

Artificial Intelligence-based Computer Vision System Can Count And Measure Shrimp With Up To 95% Accuracy

After two years, a team of researchers has developed artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can successfully detect and monitor shrimp growth, population size, mortality and stress. The AI-based computer vision system can count the number of shrimp and measure their length at up to 95 percent accuracy, which was achieved in real-time and under actual ...
Rendering Three-dimensional Images From Eye Reflections With NeRF

Rendering Three-dimensional Images From Eye Reflections With NeRF

Vision depends on light entering the eyes through the transparent tissues of the cornea, pupil and lens. When the light reaches the retina, photoreceptors produce signals and transmit them via the optical nerve to the brain, where an image is formed. Some of that light entering the eye is reflected back into the world by ...
Meet The Omnivore Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just A Smartphone

Meet The Omnivore: Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just A Smartphone

It lets users capture any object with their smartphone camera and quickly creates a high-quality, detailed 3D model of it for use in any AR or metaverse application. AR-Generation now offers an extension that enables direct export of 3D models from MagiScan to NVIDIA Omniverse, a development platform for connecting and building 3D tools and ...

A&M-Corpus Christi Initiative To Create K-12 STEM, Geospatial Programs

A new Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi initiative aims to foster the next generation of land surveyors and geospatial scientists. The initiative aims to develop a curriculum for high school students and develop training workshops for high school STEM educators, as well as geospatial camps for middle school teachers. “We’ve seen a decline in the number ...

Índice Ambiental Municipal Pode Ser Acessado No Painel De Indicadores Do Sisema

Maior interatividade, agilidade e acessibilidade. Essas são as características que a consulta ao Índice de Desempenho Ambiental Municipal (Idam) passa a ter no Painel de Indicadores (Power Bi) do Sistema Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos (Sisema). A partir desta segunda-feira (26/6), é possível saber como está o desempenho ambiental das cidades de Minas, ...

Google Lays Off Staff At Its Mapping App Waze

Alphabet-owned Google on Tuesday said it is cutting jobs at mapping app Waze as it merges the app’s advertising system with Google Ads technology, without giving details on the number of layoffs. Google had in December said that it will merge Waze and Google Maps teams to consolidate processes, making it a part of the ...

New Website Allows People To Report And Track Non-emergency Issues In Santa Maria

The City of Santa Maria has launched a new website that allows people to report and track non-emergency issues located within the city limits. Called Neighborhood Connect, the website is a GIS (geographic information system)-based program designed to help city government track and identify trends, and to improve overall customer service. The website allows users ...

National Space Mission For Earth Observation Axed

Mainstream media outlets are reporting this morning that the federal government has cancelled the $1.2 billion National Space Mission for Earth Observation (NSMEO), for “budget repair” purposes. Reportedly, Australia will now have to continue to rely upon overseas partners for access to Earth observation data. The whole idea of the NSMEO was to reduce sovereign ...
Building A Governance Framework For Forest Data In Eastern And Southern Africa

Building A Governance Framework For Forest Data In Eastern And Southern Africa

The East and Southern Africa Forest Observatory (OFESA) was launched at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)’s Nairobi conference in late 2018, with twin goals of supporting improved forest monitoring and reporting practices, and developing a data governance framework for the countries in the region. The Observatory’s geoportal, hosted by the Kenya-based Regional Centre for Mapping ...
3D Digital Models Are Resurrecting Lost Neighborhoods

3D Digital Models Are Resurrecting Lost Neighborhoods

Using a revolutionary new AI-powered method, researchers are mining old insurance maps to visually reconstruct “ghost” neighborhoods — with promising results. The process could help with efforts to better estimate the economic loss caused by the demolition of historically diverse neighborhoods nationwide. It could also humanize that oft-forgotten history, bringing it to life in a ...
Using Geospatial Tools To Assess Sewer Risk

Using Geospatial Tools To Assess Sewer Risk

Anglian Water is the largest water and water recycling company by geographic area in England and Wales, serving much of the Eastern portion of the United Kingdom. Recently, the utility company created a geospatial tool in order to get a real-time picture of sewer risk and identify specific hotspots to prioritize where work is most ...
معرفی یک شاخص جدید برای پایش خشکسالی با کمک سنجش از دور

معرفی یک شاخص جدید برای پایش خشکسالی با کمک سنجش از دور

در پژوهشی که به تازگی در دانشکده جغرافیا دانشگاه تهران به راهنمایی دکتر عطاالله عبدالهی کاکرودی، دانشیار گروه سنجش از دور و GIS انجام شده است، شاخصی بهینه و کارآمد برای پایش ماهواره‌ای خشکسالی معرفی شده است. «در سال‌های اخیر بهره‌گیری از داده‌های سنجش از دور برای پایش خشکسالی گسترش یافته و شاخص‌های سنجش از ...
Hydrographic Survey Data Uncovers Preserved Glacial Landscape

Hydrographic Survey Data Uncovers Preserved Glacial Landscape

Part of a series of data sets collected in the Irish Sea, off North Wales, under the Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP) has given us a fantastic insight into the geological past of the UK. The CHP is a long-running data collection programme undertaking systematic surveys of the UK’s coastal waters. Administered by the Maritime and ...
This Self-driving Boat Maps Underwater Terrain

This Self-driving Boat Maps Underwater Terrain

Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso have constructed a fully autonomous boat that can carry out bathymetric surveys — surveys of the depth and terrain of bodies of water like oceans, rivers and lakes. The team hopes the robotic boat can help simplify the survey process, which usually takes a crew of ...

Nace La Asociación Nacional De Agricultura De Precisión

Se trata de una organización española independiente y sin ánimo de lucro, que responde a la necesidad de promover la Agricultura de Precisión y facilitar la transformación digital agrícola en España, en línea con las directrices de sostenibilidad definidas por la Unión Europea. Rrealizará actividades enmarcadas en tres grandes ámbitos: transferencia, iniciativas científico-técnicas y actividades ...

El IECA Cuenta Con Una Nueva Base De Datos Espacial De Lugares Donde Se Asienta La Población

La localización, delimitación y asignación de topónimos de los asentamientos en los que el hombre ejerce alguna actividad sobre el territorio es fundamental para lograr un adecuado análisis de la realidad existente en el mismo, que permita planificar correctamente un desarrollo sostenible y sostenido en el tiempo. Con este objetivo, el Instituto de Estadística y ...
Depremlerde Hasar Alan Evler Türk Ve Japon Mühendislerce Denetleniyor

Depremlerde Hasar Alan Evler Türk Ve Japon Mühendislerce Denetleniyor

Gaziantep’te 6 Şubat’taki depremlerde az ve orta hasar alan binalar, Türk ve Japon mühendislerin ortak çalışmasıyla coğrafi bilgi sistemi temelli uygulamayla denetleniyor. Büyükşehir Belediyesinden yapılan açıklamaya göre, Uluslararası Miyamoto-Protek Firması ile kentteki az ve orta hasar alan yaklaşık 50 bin hanenin denetlenmesi için işbirliği yapıldı. Projeyle depremzedelerin güvenli şekilde evlerine dönüş işlemlerinin hızlandırılması amaçlanıyor. İş ...

Una Nueva Herramienta Explora El Riesgo De Inundaciones Costeras En Garachico

El proyecto Life Garachico, que acaba de finalizar su primera fase, ha presentado una nueva herramienta en línea que sirve para mejorar la vigilancia y el conocimiento sobre el riesgo de inundaciones por temporales marítimos en el casco urbano de Garachico, en la Isla Baja. Se trata del llamado Visor GIS, un mapa interactivo que ...

The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica

The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica – Italy’s National Geothermal Data Platform. The updated version of GeoThopica, which was originally created in 2007 by CNR-IGG, benefits from the BNDG currently containing about twice the data compared to when it was originally created. The most ...

Agriculture Ministry Signs MoU With Pixxel Space To Develop Geospatial Solutions

The Union Agriculture Ministry has signed an MoU with Pixxel Space India Pvt. Ltd., to develop various geospatial solutions, mainly for monitoring the health of crops and soil. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Monday in the presence of Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja. Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre on behalf of the ministry will ...
Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

The Greater Chennai Police (GCP) on Tuesday launched mapping of crime zones using Geographic Information System (GIS). Commissioner of Police Shankar Jiwal inaugurated the new initiative at the integrated command and control centre. A special GIS centre has been established and equipped with the latest software tools to collate data from Crime and Criminal Tracking ...
New Salt Lake Program Uses Weather Data, Satellite Imagery To Help Residents Water More Efficiently

New Salt Lake Program Uses Weather Data, Satellite Imagery To Help Residents Water More Efficiently

Water supply in Utah’s capital city is in a good place after a robust snowpack runoff that’s all but over. As the irrigation season moves forward, Salt Lake City is turning to a new tool to help reduce overwatering in the summer. Salt Lake City officials announced a new pilot program with Utah State University ...
China Completes Egypt's Remote Sensing Satellite Misrsat 2

China Completes Egypt’s Remote Sensing Satellite Misrsat 2

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) has completed the assembly and testing of Egypt’s remote sensing satellite MisrSat 2, according to a statement by the Ministry of International Cooperation on Sunday. The satellite was built using a $92 million grant provided by China to fund two projects in Egypt that was signed in February ...

Geo-Tracking System Enhances Polio Response In Congo

Since the Republic of Congo first confirmed a case of circulating variant poliovirus type 1 in March 2023 – the first such detection in more than two decades -, the country has been pioneering the deployment of Geospatial Tracking Systems (GTS) to help curb further transmission. Geospatial Tracking Systems have a critical role to play ...
Newly Released IEEE 802.11az Standard Improving Wi-Fi Location Accuracy Is Set To Unleash A New Wave Of Innovation

Newly Released IEEE 802.11az Standard Improving Wi-Fi Location Accuracy Is Set To Unleash A New Wave Of Innovation

When you use an IEEE 802.11™ (Wi-Fi®) enabled device, such as your mobile phone, it can use GPS when outdoors because it has a clear line of sight to satellites. But indoors, with a roof overhead and surrounding walls and other obstacles, GPS signals are blocked, and the device needs to connect to Wi-Fi. Outdoors, ...

El Consell Aprueba Un Acuerdo De Cooperación Con La Universidad De Alicante Para Fomentar La Innovación Tecnológica En Urbanismo

El Consell ha aprobado un acuerdo de cooperación entre la Conselleria de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas y Movilidad y la Universidad de Alicante (UA), a través del Departamento de Edificación y Urbanismo, para el fomento de la innovación tecnológica en el ámbito del urbanismo. El objetivo de este convenio es aportar soluciones concretas para la ...

국가 디지털트윈 구축으로 디지털플랫폼 정부 실현한다

국토교통부는 향후 5년간의 국가공간정보 정책 추진 방향을 제시하는 ‘제7차 국가공간정보정책 기본계획(2023~2027)’을 확정·발표했다. ‘국가공간정보정책 기본계획’은 국가공간정보기본법에 따라 수립되는 공간정보 분야의 최상위 법정계획으로, 전문 연구기관(국토연구원)의 연구용역(2022.7.~2023.4.)을 통해 전문가와 종사자 등 다양한 의견 수렴을 거쳤으며 공청회 개최(2022.12.)·관계 부처 협의·국가공간정보위원회 심의(2023.6.)를 거쳐 확정됐다. 공간정보는 자율차·무인이동체·배달로봇 등 미래 사회에 획기적인 변화를 가져올 혁신 기술 실현의 기반이 되는 디지털 인프라로, 디지털트윈·메타버스 ...