

Geoinformationen Für Stadtkreis Baden-baden Öffentlich Zugänglich – Fachbereichsleiter Stefan Hetzel Präsentiert Neues Portal

Die Web-Anwendung wartet jetzt mit einer Reihe neuer Funktionen auf und bietet noch mehr Möglichkeiten, verschiedenste geografische Daten interaktiv zu entdecken. Mit dem neuen Portal bieten wir weitere Möglichkeiten und das nicht nur für Fachleute, sondern auch für die breite Öffentlichkeit», so Hetzel weiter. Das Geoportal wurde 2017 mit dem Ziel ins Leben gerufen, Geoinformationen ...
GeoSuzano Oferece Novas Camadas De Funcionalidades

GeoSuzano Oferece Novas Camadas De Funcionalidades

O portal de georreferenciamento de informações GeoSuzano, executado pela Prefeitura de Suzano por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento Urbano e Habitação, passa a oferecer novas funcionalidades a fim de contemplar o Plano Municipal de Conservação e Recuperação da Mata Atlântica (PMMA). Essa é a quinta atualização da ferramenta, que visa a democratização dos dados ...
Tennessee Department Of General Services Launches New GIS Map To Display State-owned Land

Tennessee Department Of General Services Launches New GIS Map To Display State-owned Land

The Tennessee Department of General Services is pleased to announce the launch of the new State-Owned Land Dashboard, a Geographic Information System (GIS) public-facing map displaying all the land the state owns. The map gives users access to a comprehensive list of state-owned properties with numerous data points for each property, including address, District, State ...

UNBC Research Project To Examine How Mountain Communities Can Better Prepare For Geohazards

If you live in a community in the mountains like Valemount, McBride or Dunster, you are more than aware that rockfalls, landslides, mudslides and floods are facts of life, and as climate change is making those events more common, a new UNBC research project is looking at how mountain communities can better prepare for these ...
EUSI Invests In Ground Station Upgrade At The German Aerospace Center (DLR) For The Fastest VHR Satellite Imagery Delivery In Europe

EUSI Invests In Ground Station Upgrade At The German Aerospace Center (DLR) For The Fastest VHR Satellite Imagery Delivery In Europe

European Space Imaging (EUSI), the leading provider of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery in Europe, is thrilled to announce a multi-million euro investment into their ground station located at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) near Munich. This strategic upgrade extends the ability for EUSI to deliver imagery with unprecedented speed and efficiency, solidifying its ...
Mapping The Solar Transformation In Budapest

Mapping The Solar Transformation In Budapest

The city’s municipality has created an online solar map which provides the first ever estimation of the solar possibilities for every rooftop in Budapest. Using the solar map as its first step, the ultimate goal of the project is to increase the use of solar energy across the city, leading to greater production of clean ...
The China-Africa Cooperation Centre On Satellite Remote Sensing Application Takes Off

The China-Africa Cooperation Centre On Satellite Remote Sensing Application Takes Off

Today, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of the People’s Republic of China welcomed African delegates to inaugurate the China-Africa Cooperation Centre on Satellite Remote Sensing Application. This momentous occasion marked a significant step forward in the collaboration between China and Africa in utilising remote sensing technologies for the sustainable development of natural resources. The ...

New Study Finds Gaps In Maternal Immunization Data Sets

A study led by a University of Canterbury geospatial and population health expert has uncovered gaps in nationwide data that tracks maternal immunization rates. The study has been published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. Health Senior Lecturer Dr. Matt Hobbs is also co-director of the GeoHealth Laboratory in the University of Canterbury (UC) Geospatial ...
A New State Study Shows Where Solar Is Most Suitable In Mass. — Including Your Home

A New State Study Shows Where Solar Is Most Suitable In Mass. — Including Your Home

For Massachusetts to meet it ambitious clean energy goals, the state needs to build between 25 and 35 gigawatts of solar capacity by 2050. Currently, there are about 3 gigawatts installed — so it’s a tall order. But according to a new study from the state’s Department of Energy Resources, there’s more than enough suitable ...