

아이나비시스템즈, ‘배달의민족’에 맵 플랫폼 공급..배달 시장 공략

아이나비시스템즈는 16일 우아한형제들(대표 이국환)이 운영하는 ‘배달의민족(이하 배민)’에 맵 플랫폼 공급을 개시했다고 밝혔다. 아이나비시스템즈는 자사의 맵 플랫폼 서비스 솔루션 중 하나인 ‘법정동 데이터’를 배민 서비스에 공급한다. 법정동은 법으로 지정된 구역 단위로 지번 주소에 사용되는 고정 지역을 의미한다. 배민은 기존 행정동 단위 기준으로 지리 정보를 제공해 왔으나 전국 법정동 데이터 도입을 통해 정확성과 편의성을 향상시킴으로써 한층 더 ...
Ortofotomapa Dla Blisko 25 Tys. Km Kw. Już W Geoportalu

Ortofotomapa Dla Blisko 25 Tys. Km Kw. Już W Geoportalu

Aktualizacja objęła ortofotomapę w rozdzielczości 25 cm pokrywającą łącznie 24 528 km kw. w województwach: warmińsko-mazurskim, mazowieckim, świętokrzyskim i podkarpackim. Szczegółowy zasięg nowych materiałów prezentuje mapa obok. Są to już kolejne dane, jakie trafiły w tym roku do zasobu geodezyjnego w efekcie realizacji kontraktu na ortofotomapę całego kraju zleconego przez Agencję Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa. ...

Esri Unterzeichnet Vereinbarung Mit Malta Über Zugang Zu Gis-technologie Und Schulungen

MITA hat eine Vereinbarung mit Esri unterzeichnet, dem weltweiten Marktführer im Bereich Location Intelligence, um die Fähigkeiten der MITA bei geografischen Informationssystemen (GIS) zu erweitern. Der Dreijahresvertrag beinhaltet die Bereitstellung von Esri-Software, professionellen Dienstleistungen und technischem Support für MITA und 22 weitere Behörden der maltesischen Regierung. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung werden die bestehenden GIS-Anwender in ...

Bilim Insanları Afet Bölgesinin Röntgenini Çekiyor! Belirlenen Noktalara GPS Cihazları Ve Sabit Istasyon Kurulacak

7.7‘lik büyük felaket sonrası TÜBİTAK’ın çağrısıyla afet bölgesine çıkarma yapan bilim insanları, 10 ilin röntgenini çekiyor. Fay hareketlerinin nasıl değiştiğini gözlemleyebilmek amacıyla bölgeye 3 ekibini gönderen Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi Jeodezi Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesi Prof. Dr. Semih Ergintav, “Belirlenen noktalara GPS cihazları ve sabit istasyon kuracağız. Amacımız bundan sonraki nesillere fay hareketliliği ile ilgili ...
Geoportal Nova Ferramenta Orienta Interessados Em Obter Licenciamento Ambiental No Amazonas

Geoportal: Nova Ferramenta Orienta Interessados Em Obter Licenciamento Ambiental No Amazonas

O Instituto de Proteção Ambiental do Amazonas (Ipaam) lançou uma ferramenta de consulta que fortalecerá o licenciamento ambiental no Estado do Amazonas, o Geoportal. A ferramenta é um repositório de dados espaciais e não espaciais de agendas temáticas ligadas às atividades de licenciamento, fiscalização e monitoramento ambiental, que visa oferecer à sociedade maior facilidade no ...
La ESA Firmó Un Acuerdo De Cooperación Con México

La ESA Firmó Un Acuerdo De Cooperación Con México

La ESA y la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) han firmado un Acuerdo de Cooperación cuyo objetivo es permitir que México y la ESA creen un marco para una cooperación más intensa en proyectos conjuntos en el futuro. El acuerdo fue firmado en las instalaciones de AEM en Ciudad de México por Eric Morel de Westgaver, ...
Geographic Information Systems Help Fire And Rescue Analyze Data In Real-Time

Geographic Information Systems Help Fire And Rescue Analyze Data In Real-Time

Our Fire and Rescue Department is constantly updating the ways it provides service to meet the needs of residents, including processing data that allows data-informed decisions about staffing and response. To meet these data goals, the department launched RescueVision to provide real-time situational awareness and decision support at the 911 dispatch center. RescueVision is a ...
Lockheed Martin Completes Delivery Of 10th GPS 3 Satellite

Lockheed Martin Completes Delivery Of 10th GPS 3 Satellite

The U.S. Space Force accepted delivery of the 10th and final GPS 3 satellite made by Lockheed Martin under a 2008 contract. Of the 10 satellites built, six have been launched and four are stored at a Lockheed Martin facility in Waterton, Colorado, awaiting launch opportunities. In a statement Feb. 16, the Space Systems Command ...
Luojia-3 01 Satellite Completes Key Technical Tests

Luojia-3 01 Satellite Completes Key Technical Tests

The Luojia-3 01 satellite has completed several technical tests, and its multi-mode intelligent remote sensing service capability has reached the expected target, according to Wuhan University. Luojia-3 01 is an internet-intelligent remote-sensing scientific experiment satellite, mainly developed by Wuhan University and launched by a Long March-2D rocket on Jan. 15. It adopts the in-orbit high-rate ...

Trimble Announces Advanced Path Planning Technology For Autonomous Equipment

Trimble announced new advanced path planning technology. This gives Trimble end users and equipment manufacturers the ability to optimize and automate the trajectory, speed and overall path design of industrial equipment to increase efficiency of work. Manufacturers worldwide can now provide their customers with an easy-to-integrate, automated solution that works not only with Trimble systems, ...