

Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kartograficzna Uczci Jubileusz Polskiego Przeglądu Kartograficznego

Metody kartograficzne i geomatyczne w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych – pod takim hasłem odbędzie się tegoroczna XLV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kartograficzna. Będzie to kolejna odsłona dorocznych spotkań środowiska kartografów i sympatyków map, które są organizowane od 1968 roku. Tym razem organizatorzy chcą skupić uwagę na związkach kartografii i geomatyki z innymi dziedzinami nauki. Problematyka konferencji ma obejmować takie ...

Neara Announces Revolutionary Automated Lidar Classification

Neara, a leading climate tech software platform and provider of 3D interactive simulation models of critical infrastructure, today announced its revolutionary automated LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) classification solution will be available through a new self-service offering. Utility companies, and geospatial teams that capture and classify LiDAR for utilities, will now have easy access to ...

Government Of Canada Launches Interactive Mapping Tool

The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard launched the new Canada Marine Planning Atlas (the Atlas). The Atlas is an interactive mapping tool that allows users to view and interact with data relevant to marine spatial planning. It includes data on economic, ecological and sociocultural activities that sometimes overlap ...
Researchers Unveil Soybean Nutrients Distribution Map In China

Researchers Unveil Soybean Nutrients Distribution Map In China

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) recently mapped the geographic distribution of soybean nutritional compositions in China. Researchers believe that the study, which was published in the journal Food Research International, provides scientific evidence for guiding the construction of high-quality soybean production bases in China. To clarify the spatial patterns of soybean ...