

Presagis Unveils New V5D Plugin For Unreal Engine

Presagis Unveils New V5D Plugin For Unreal Engine

Presagis recently released the V5D Plugin for Unreal Engine, which lets users load GIS-generated V5D digital twins into Unreal Engine. This integration enables the creation of highly realistic visualizations and simulations of entire cities and countries, offering new possibilities for digital twin applications with unparalleled detail and accuracy.

Radisys Introduces Reachpoint Indoor Navigation And Geo-location Services For Enterprises

Radisys Corporation, a global leader of open telecom solutions, today announced the availability of Radisys ReachPoint, a smart network-based geolocation platform that allows Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to deliver real-time geolocation service capable of reaching places where GPS may not be available, such as inside tall buildings. The solution enables Enterprises to get the location ...

High-resolution Mapping Of Otago’s Entire Coastline Completed

A new high-resolution ground mapping dataset of Otago’s entire coastline is complete – now including about 30-40 kilometres inland – covering a total 4250 square kilometres of land. The high-resolution 3D ground elevation data for the coastline and its catchments is now available online via the LINZ Data Service and Open Topo web sites, says ...
GIS Portal Enhances Collaboration For UK Nuclear Power Station

GIS Portal Enhances Collaboration For UK Nuclear Power Station

EDF, a French electric utility company, has partnered with Esri UK to implement an enterprise GIS for Hinkley Point C (HPC) nuclear power station, one of the largest and most complex construction projects in Europe. The GIS portal has enabled better collaboration and streamlined digital workflows by providing a central source of all spatial data, ...
Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Technologies and have collaborated to develop SYNTH3D, a synthetic 3D digital twin of the Earth’s surface that is highly compatible and visually pleasing for use in gaming, simulation, entertainment, virtual reality (VR), smart city, and metaverse applications. This high-performance 3D model, created using’s patented generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and Maxar’s Vivid ...
Demuestran Que Los Pinsapos Tienen Mayor Resistencia Frente A La Sequía De La Que Se Creía

Demuestran Que Los Pinsapos Tienen Mayor Resistencia Frente A La Sequía De La Que Se Creía

Investigadores de las universidades de Málaga, Jaén y la Pablo Olavide han estudiado los efectos de los episodios de sequedad en el pinsapar más grande del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de las Nieves, ubicado en Yunquera (Málaga), y los resultados, publicados en la revista científica ‘Frontiers in Plant Science’, han sido “sorprendentes”. Para llevar ...
Identify Points Of Threat Of Landslides In Three Roads Of The Country

Identifican Puntos De Amenaza De Deslizamientos En Tres Vías De País

El docente desarrolló una metodología que estima las eventuales amenazas de taludes, información que serviría para diseñar alertas tempranas en estos proyectos de infraestructura. El proceso consiste en cuatro fases del tratamiento de la imagen. En la primera se localiza el tramo o la ruta a investigar mediante Google Earth; en la segunda, con el ...
VR App Reminiscent Of Black Mirror Lets You Relive Your Memories

VR App Reminiscent Of Black Mirror Lets You Relive Your Memories

A new virtual reality (VR) app lets a user rewatch and relive memories they recorded on a smartphone. Developed by California-based company Wist Labs, Wist: Immersive Memories is an app that lets people save old “memories” and interact with their once-lived experiences on a smartphone, in mobile augmented reality (AR), or a VR headset. The ...

광양시, 2022년 항공사진 서비스 개시

광양시가 2022년 항공사진(정상영상)을 국토지리정보원으로부터 받아 광양시 공간정보시스템에 탑재를 완료하고 22일부터 정상 서비스를 시행한다고 밝혔다. 시가 이번에 보급하는 공간정보는 2022년 4월부터 5월까지 시 관내를 항공사진(정사영상)으로 촬영해 공간정보시스템에 탑재하는 것이다. 시 홈페이지 생활지리정보시스템이나 스마트폰에서 검색어 ‘광양시 생활지리정보’ 또는 모바일 주소창에 주소(를 직접 입력해 접속하면 이용할 수 있다. 2008년부터 매년 추진하고 있는 이번 사업은 공간정보시스템의 항공사진(정사영상)을 갱신해 관내 ...

Wrocław Testuje Aplikację, Która Pomaga Znaleźć Miejsce Do Parkowania

Wrocław to kolejne miasto, które testuje bezpłatną aplikację ParkSpace Eco, ułatwiającą znalezienie wolnego miejsca w strefach płatnego parkowania. Aplikacja pokazuje dokładną lokalizację parkometrów oraz prawdopodobieństwo zaparkowania. Ma także moduł nawigacji. Aplikacja jest bezpłatna i gotowa do pobrania z platformy Android i iOS. Nie wymaga rejestracji ani logowania. Obecnie pozwala znaleźć miejsce do parkowania w kilkudziesięciu ...

Andalucía Tendrá Un Satélite Para Recoger Datos Agrícolas

Open Cosmos ha pasado la fase de revisión crítica y ya está en la de fabricación y ensamblaje del primer satélite andaluz (todavía sin nombre oficial), con la intención de que pueda ser lanzado este mismo año 2023 por un cohete Space X Falcon 9. El objetivo que se busca con este nanosatélite (tiene un ...
SimActive And LIDARUSA Partner For User-friendly Lidar Data

SimActive And LIDARUSA Partner For User-friendly Lidar Data

SimActive, a leading photogrammetry software developer, has announced that users of LiDARUSA’s multi-sensor systems can now take advantage of SimActive’s Lidar point cloud colorization capabilities. Using SimActive’s Correlator3D software, users can integrate Lidar data and imagery to create more realistic models.
This Map Shows Eggs Prices Across The US

This Map Shows Eggs Prices Across The US

Sacha Fournier, who recently debuted an interactive map that tracks McDonald’s Big Mac prices throughout the United States in real time, has followed up on the viral success of “McCheapest” with a map that tracks something else we’ve all been keeping an eye on: the steep price of a dozen eggs at the grocery store. ...

Tenchijin Collaborates With Toyota City To Determine Potential Leakage Zones Using Satellite Data: A Project Authorized From Japan Cabinet Office

JAXA accredited space venture Tenchijin collaborates with Toyota City Water Supply and Sewerage Bureau and Fuji Chichu Joho, Inc to determine potential leakage zones using space satellite Big Data. This pilot project started in February 2022. In July 2022, this project was selected as the “Advances Satellite Remote Sensing Data Application Model Demonstration Project for ...

Maxar To Provide Environmental Monitoring For Government Of Guyana

Maxar Technologies provider of comprehensive space solutions and secure, precise, geospatial intelligence, today announced that the Guyana Ministry of Natural Resources has entered into a three-year contractual agreement with Maxar to provide the nation with environmental monitoring services for both offshore and terrestrial applications. Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency will utilize Maxar’s Crow’s Nest Maritime Monitoring ...

Mercedes-Benz And Google Join Forces To Create Next-generation Navigation Experience

Mercedes-Benz and Google announced today a long-term strategic partnership to further accelerate auto innovation and create the industry’s next-generation digital luxury car experience. With this partnership, Mercedes-Benz will be the first automaker to build its own branded navigation experience based on new in-car data and navigation capabilities from Google Maps Platform. This will give the ...

Project InnerSpace Launches Collaboration For Global Heat Flow Mapping

Project InnerSpace has launched a two-year collaboration with the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC) and the German Research Centre for Geoscience GFZ, Potsdam (GFZ) to accelerate the Global Heat Flow Database assessment for geothermal analyses. The effort, supported by a global team of scientists, is funded by a $700K Project InnerSpace grant and led by ...
Scientists Use Satellite Images To Study The Degradation Of Rangelands In Tanzania

Scientists Use Satellite Images To Study The Degradation Of Rangelands In Tanzania

As part of the study, published in Scientific Reports, scientists combined field data on vegetation with high-resolution satellite images gathered over the last two decades to identify the drivers of degradation within the Northern Tanzanian rangelands. The study found evidence that sites that are currently degraded are more sensitive to environmental shocks such as drought, ...
A New Vegetation Mapping Of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based On Terrain-Climate-Remote Sensing

A New Vegetation Mapping Of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based On Terrain-Climate-Remote Sensing

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the roof of the world and the water tower of Asia. It is known as the third pole of the Earth. It is an important ecological security barrier, a strategic resource reserve base, and an important area for preservation of Chinese culture. Obtaining high-precision vegetation types and distribution data is a ...
Pomysły Na Internetową Mapę Dolnego Śląska Znów Poszukiwane

Pomysły Na Internetową Mapę Dolnego Śląska Znów Poszukiwane

Celem wydarzenia jest propagowanie rozwiązań systemów informacji geograficznej i Geoportalu Dolny Śląsk, wzbogacenie procesu nauczania treścią GIS oraz zwiększenie wiedzy na temat regionu. Konkurs skierowany jest do uczniów szkół średnich oraz studentów dziennych uczelni wyższych dowolnych kierunków. Jego przedmiotem jest opracowanie mapy obejmującej teren Dolnego Śląska, przedstawiającej dowolne aspekty przestrzeni odnoszące się do środowiska naturalnego ...
Wasserknappheit In Iran Ist Hausgemacht

Wasserknappheit In Iran Ist Hausgemacht

Forschende des Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrums GFZ haben zusammen mit Kolleg:innen der Universität Stuttgart und des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie KIT die Entwicklung der letzten zwanzig Jahre für den gesamten Iran nachgezeichnet. Die Studie erschien kürzlich in der Fachzeitschrift Scientific Reports. Das Team nutzte dafür ausschließlich global verfügbare Datensätze, u.a. MODIS-Satellitenzeitreihendaten, Daten der GRACE/-FO-Satellitenmissionen und ERA5-Reanalyse-Klimadaten. Für ...

یافته محققان دانشکده جغرافیا دانشگاه تهران درباره تأثیر منفی پدیده سایه بر روی داده‌های دریافتی از تصاویر ماهواره‌ای

به گزارش روابط عمومی دانشگاه تهران، گروهی از محققان دانشگاه تهران در پژوهشی به سرپرستی دکتر سید کاظم علوی‌پناه نشان دادند که سایه اثرات منفی قابل ملاحظه‌ای بر اطلاعات خصوصیات سطح زمین استخراج شده از تصاویر ماهواره‌ای می‌گذارد. وی با بیان اینکه بررسی اثرات پدیده سایه بر روی داده‌های دریافتی از تصاویر ماهواره‌ها حاصل یک ...
Andalucía Dispone De Un Mapa De Minerales Críticos Claves Para El Desarrollo De Las Tecnologías Limpias

Andalucía Dispone De Un Mapa De Minerales Críticos Claves Para El Desarrollo De Las Tecnologías Limpias

El nuevo mapa de los minerales críticos existentes en el territorio de Andalucía, el primero de estas características en España, ofrece una fotografía actualizada de las materias primas que resultan fundamentales en el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías limpias. La herramienta identifica en suelo andaluz zonas susceptibles de aprovechamiento de 17 sustancias consideradas estratégicas en ...

OGC Seeks Public Comment On Extension To SensorThings API Standard, StAplus 1.0

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is seeking public comment on STAplus 1.0. STAplus is an extension to the OGC SensorThings API Part 1: Sensing Version 1.1 (STA) Standard data model that is based on requirements from the Citizen Science community. Comments are due by March 23, 2023. STAplus (SensorThings API extension PLUS) defines a SensorThings ...

OGC Seeks Public Comment On V3.0 Of GeoXACML And Related JSON Profile

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on version 3.0 of the OGC Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) Standard and its related JSON Profile (v1.0). Comments are due by March 23, 2023. The OGC Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 3.0 Standard is a geospatial extension to the OASIS eXtensible Access ...
Orbify Has Now Opened Its Platform To Everyone

Orbify Has Now Opened Its Platform To Everyone

Orbify is a SaaS platform that enables the creation of custom Earth Intelligence web applications, dashboards, or APIs. Platform users can combine three different components that allow for the easy creation of these applications: data, algorithms, and visual components necessary for a front-end web application that is presented to the end user. Everything is cloud-based, ...

NASA Leveraging TerraPoiNT For BVLOS UAM Testing In GPS-denied Environments

NASA’s Ames Research Center will leverage NextNav’s TerraPoiNT commercial grade network to capture inflight data on drone navigation, detection and collision avoidance as part of BVLOS testing for its urban air mobility (UAM) program. Via a network of terrestrial beacons, TerraPoiNT provides precise geolocation services when GPS signals aren’t available. NASA will use TerraPoiNT to ...

US Aerospace Firm Lockheed Martin Space Looking To Work With ISRO, Indian Pvt Space Sector

American defence-aerospace firm Lockheed Martin’s Space division has been in talks with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the emerging Indian private space sector for collaboration, said a top official. This is a result of India’s space sector being reformed to permit private firms to carry out end-to-end space activities and seek government support ...
Restoration Of Hatay's Damaged Landmarks Made Via 3D Modeling

Restoration Of Hatay’s Damaged Landmarks Made Via 3D Modeling

Teams from Istanbul University started their investigations of historical buildings that were severely damaged. Working in separate groups in the field, the teams make measurements using the photogrammetry technique with the help of drones and performing lidar mapping. “… The first step is the three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the surrounding buildings and the most important ...

아이나비시스템즈, ‘배달의민족’에 맵 플랫폼 공급..배달 시장 공략

아이나비시스템즈는 16일 우아한형제들(대표 이국환)이 운영하는 ‘배달의민족(이하 배민)’에 맵 플랫폼 공급을 개시했다고 밝혔다. 아이나비시스템즈는 자사의 맵 플랫폼 서비스 솔루션 중 하나인 ‘법정동 데이터’를 배민 서비스에 공급한다. 법정동은 법으로 지정된 구역 단위로 지번 주소에 사용되는 고정 지역을 의미한다. 배민은 기존 행정동 단위 기준으로 지리 정보를 제공해 왔으나 전국 법정동 데이터 도입을 통해 정확성과 편의성을 향상시킴으로써 한층 더 ...