

Esri Releases 2023 Update Of Ready-To-Use US Census Bureau Data For ArcGIS Users

The United States Census Bureau recently released its annual update to its American Community Survey (ACS) data. Many federal agencies are required to use this ACS data, and many non-profits rely on it when applying for grants for their operations and decision-making. To help meet this need, Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, has ...

Portal To Map Health Facilities Launched

The Department of Health Services (DoHS), on Wednesday launched the Geo Web Portal for Health Centres. Dr. HC Lyndem, the Director of DHS(MI), inaugurated the portal at the DHS headquarters in Shillong. The portal provides rich information through space technology mapping. It plays a crucial role in assessing existing health resources by considering factors such ...
La Xunta Participa En Un Proyecto Europeo Para La Alerta Temprana De Incendios Forestales Mediante La Gestión De Datos Vía Satélite Por Inteligencia Artificial

La Xunta Participa En Un Proyecto Europeo Para La Alerta Temprana De Incendios Forestales Mediante La Gestión De Datos Vía Satélite Por Inteligencia Artificial

La Xunta, a través de la Dirección General de Defensa del Monte de la Consellería de Medio Rural, participa en un proyecto europeo Interreg centrado en la gestión conjunta de servicios relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías para la prevención, preparación y respuesta frente catástrofes naturales e incendios forestales. El proyecto, que se financia en un ...
Advocates Hope To Use Map, Grant To Reduce Conflict Over Solar, Wind Siting

Advocates Hope To Use Map, Grant To Reduce Conflict Over Solar, Wind Siting

As Indiana prepares to bring thousands of megawatts of utility-scale wind and solar energy online, environmentalists and educators hope to use new tools — mapping and grant-boosted education — to manage strife over where future projects go. “There is this (not-in-my-backyard)-ism out there. But it’s not necessarily because of wind and solar energy; it’s because ...
Computer Vision And Neural Networks To Help Detect Crop Diseases

Computer Vision And Neural Networks To Help Detect Crop Diseases

A research team from Skoltech and Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation have presented a paper in which they pioneered an alternative method for detecting decayed and moldy apples at the post-harvest stage, when fruits are stored and then delivered to the customer. A computer vision system will determine different defects at the early stage, ...
Ecopia AI Maps Toronto, But The City Won’t Comment On Its AV Readiness

Ecopia AI Maps Toronto, But The City Won’t Comment On Its AV Readiness

Two years ago, Ecopia received almost $1 million from the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) to fund this map’s development. The work was done using artificial intelligence technology to plot crucial information about Toronto’s land cover and transportation features. The data is essential to supporting safe and effective AV transportation and navigation. Ecopia also invested ...

Launch Of The Geospatial Innovation Awards 2024

Geovation, Ordnance Survey’s (OS) award-winning open innovation hub, has opened nominations for round two of its Geospatial Innovation Awards to showcase the best in geospatial innovation and the impact it has on people, places and planet. The 2024 awards, which are open to international entries, build on the success of the inaugural awards earlier this ...

Trimble To Provide Advanced Positioning Systems To Sabanto For Enhanced Autonomous Tractor Performance

Trimble and Sabanto have announced the integration of Trimble BX992 Dual Antenna GNSS receivers with Trimble CenterPoint® RTX into Sabanto’s autonomy solutions. Trimble will act as Sabanto’s key autonomous technology provider, delivering high-accuracy positioning to its fleet. Farmers need the highest level of uptime and reliability to avoid service disruption. Leveraging Trimble’s BX992 GNSS receiver ...

A Mission To Add Guernsey To Google Street View

Aman who received a 360-degree camera as a gift has taken it upon himself to incorporate his neighbourhood in Guernsey into the Google Street View online map, according to a BBC report. According to Guernsey’s Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA), Google deployed cars on the island for the Street View service in 2010. ...
GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

A new analysis shows how much Chula Vista residents’ access to parkland depends on where they live. The analysis, conducted by geographic information systems (GIS) researcher and Chula Vista resident Jacob Helfman, visualizes how areas east of Interstate 805 have over three times more parkland per person than those west of the freeway. Helfman’s analysis ...
Soil Atlas Depicts The Distribution Of Chemical Elements In Swiss Soils

Soil Atlas Depicts The Distribution Of Chemical Elements In Swiss Soils

Agroscope and the Federal Office for the Environment have published the first Geochemical Soil Atlas of Switzerland. It provides an overview of the large-scale distribution of 20 naturally occurring chemical elements in Swiss soils. The soil atlas will help the cantonal environmental protection agencies assess soil pollution levels and take action where necessary. The Geochemical ...
Drones Help Solve The Forest Carbon Capture Riddle In Thailand

Drones Help Solve The Forest Carbon Capture Riddle In Thailand

On a hillside overlooking cabbage fields outside the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, a drone’s rotors begin to whir, lifting it over a patch of forest. It moves back and forth atop the rich canopy, transmitting photos to be knitted into a 3D model that reveals the woodland’s health and helps estimate how much ...
A New Map Showing All Above-Ground Biomass In The Brazilian Amazon

A New Map Showing All Above-Ground Biomass In The Brazilian Amazon

Publication of a new map showing all the above-ground biomass in the Brazilian Amazon is good news in the context of the severe crisis afflicting the world’s largest contiguous tropical rain forest. Using airborne laser scanning and satellite imagery calibrated by field forest inventories and integrated by heavy-duty computer processing and machine learning, the map ...

Abu Dhabi’s Bayanat And Yahsat Merge To Create $4 Billion Space Tech Company

Bayanat, a provider of geospatial data products and services, and Al Yah Satellite Communications, known as Yahsat, are set to merge in a deal that will establish one of the world’s most valuable listed space companies. The combined entity, with a market capitalisation of Dh15 billion ($4.08 billion) based on closing share prices as of ...
Gençler Yeni Projelerini İbb Desteği İle Geliştiriyor

Gençler Yeni Projelerini İbb Desteği İle Geliştiriyor

İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (İBB) Bilgi İşlem Dairesi Başkanlığı Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) Şube Müdürlüğü ve Akıllı Şehir Şube Müdürlüğünün iş birliği ile hayata geçirilen GIS Hackathon 16-17 Aralık tarihlerinde Tech Istanbul Başakşehir’de gerçekleştirildi. İstanbul gibi tarihi ve kültürel bir şehir için yeni fikirlerin geliştirilmesi amacıyla hayata geçirilen GIS Hackatona; CBS teknolojilerine ilgi duyan üniversite mezunları ...

نحوه دسترسی دانشجویان به تصاویر ماهواره «خیام» اعلام شد

حسین دلیریان با انتشار متنی در شبکه X اعلام کرد: دسترسی به خدمات تجاری ماهواره «خیام» برای تمام دانشجویان جهت استفاده در پژوهش‌ها و اشخاص حقیقی و شرکت‌های خصوصی فراهم شد. وی تاکید کرد: این افراد می‌توانند از طریق لینک تصاویر ماهواره «خیام» با دقت ۱ متر را سفارش‌گذاری کنند. به گفته سخنگوی سازمان ...

Kazakhstan To Launch Earth Observation Satellite Production

Kazakhstan is set to produce Earth remote sensing satellites at its assembly and testing complex for spacecraft. The plan is to produce 60 percent of KazEOSat-MR medium-resolution satellites, replacing the current KazEOSat-2. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, design work is currently underway, with production scheduled to commence next ...
Neue Karte Zeigt Radon-situation In Wohnungen

Neue Karte Zeigt Radon-situation In Wohnungen

Man kann es weder sehen noch riechen oder schmecken: das radioaktive Gas Radon. In geringen Mengen ist es in jedem Gebäude vorhanden. Erhöhte Radon-Werte stellen ein ernst zu nehmendes Gesundheitsrisiko dar, denn dieser Innenraumschadstoff gehört – nach dem Rauchen – zu den häufigsten Ursachen von Lungenkrebs. Eine neue Karte des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz zeigt die ...
Presentan Mapas De Siete Cultivos Con Información Georreferenciada De Superficie Sembrada En Córdoba

Presentan Mapas De Siete Cultivos Con Información Georreferenciada De Superficie Sembrada En Córdoba

La Bolsa de Cereales de Córdoba (BCCBA), con el apoyo e infraestructura de IDECOR, presentó sus mapas de siete cultivos en la provincia de Córdoba. Concretamente, se trata de información georreferenciada de la superficie sembrada de los cultivos de alfalfa, garbanzo, girasol, maíz, maní, soja y sorgo en territorio cordobés. La producción y publicación de ...
NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA’s National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), in partnership with CAPA Strategies LLCoffsite link, is now accepting applications from organizations interested in participating in the 2024 Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign program. In the eighth year of the program, NIHHIS and CAPA Strategies will support community science campaigns in cities and counties across ...

Joshi Launches India’s National Geoscience Data Repository (NGDR) Portal

Minister for Mines Pralhad Joshi launched India’s National Geoscience Data Repository (NGDR) portal on Tuesday. NGDR is a comprehensive online platform that will host the geospatial data for the entire country. Terming the NGDR portal the culmination of the work of several years, Mines Secretary VL Kantha Rao said that out of the total 32 ...
Brown Anthropologist’s Mapping Project Shows How Peru Transformed After Colonization

Brown Anthropologist’s Mapping Project Shows How Peru Transformed After Colonization

Parker VanValkenburgh has dedicated more than a decade of research to understanding how colonialism impacted Peru’s Indigenous people in the 16th century. That time marked a turning point in the region: Spanish forces conquered the Inca Empire, initiating a period of social violence and upheaval that included the forced resettlement of more than 2 million ...

Submit GNSS Or Leveling Data For Initial NSRS Modernization Rollout By February 29, 2024

The final stages of building the Modernized National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) have now come into focus. NGS is now in the process of compiling, organizing, and cleaning all of the relevant GNSS and leveling data contained within the NGS Integrated Database and the OPUS shared solutions database. For the past several years, NGS’ GPS ...

HCT-Sat 1: UAE Students To Develop Payload For New Earth Observation Satellite

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) in collaboration with the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) on Tuesday announced the development of HCT-Sat 1, an Earth observation CubeSat. With the payload of the satellite set to be developed by the students of HCT, under the guidance of the Centre’s team, HCT-Sat 1 is expected to ...

Online Interactive Map Allows Public Input For Traffic Improvements In Northwest Ohio

The City of Bowling Green, along with the Wood, Lucas, Ottawa, and Sandusky County engineer’s offices, is seeking the help of every citizen in Northwest Ohio to improve the safety of the transportation network across the region. Community members are encouraged to submit traffic improvement suggestions by accessing the Northwest Ohio Transportation Safety Plan public ...
Great Frigatebirds Wearing Backpacks Map The Atmosphere

Great Frigatebirds Wearing Backpacks Map The Atmosphere

Great frigatebirds live in tropical regions and routinely fly to 2,000 meters (1.25 miles) in altitude, occasionally reaching heights of 4,000 meters (2.5 miles). A new study shows that great frigatebirds equipped with tiny sensors can give detailed information about the planetary boundary layer (PBL), which is the dynamic atmospheric layer that is closest to ...
English Peak District Harnesses AI For Aerial Landscape Mapping

English Peak District Harnesses AI For Aerial Landscape Mapping

The UK’s Peak District National Park Authority is pioneering the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the production of highly detailed land cover maps, in a project in partnership with Cranfield University and The Alan Turing Institute. Land cover was classified from the Bluesky photography using Convolutional Neural Networks, a deep-learning AI method that ...
To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To fully understand animal behavior and conservation, scientists are finding they need to study humans’ daily movements and activities. A paper published in Nature Ecology & Evolution brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts to examine how tracking human movements through landscapes over time can provide insights into wildlife behavior and conservation. This collaborative project ...

Foreign Geographic Information Software Collects Sensitive Data, Posing Threat To National Security

China’s national security agencies have discovered that foreign geographic information system software used in important industries in China has been collecting and transmitting geographic information data with some of the information collected involving state secrets, posing a serious threat to national security, China’s Ministry of State Security said on Monday, noting that national security agencies ...
Áncash Realizan Lanzamiento Del Observatorio Territorial Www.Infogel.Pe

Áncash: Realizan Lanzamiento Del Observatorio Territorial Www.Infogel.Pe

En las instalaciones de la Cámara de Comercio de Áncash, se realizó el lanzamiento del Observatorio Territorial INFOGEL, portal web que permite recopilar, analizar y difundir información relevante a través de datos espaciales, para tener conocimiento de lo que acontece en 20 distritos del área de influencia operativa de Antamina. Instituciones públicas de Áncash y ...