

Cooling Centers Interactive Map Added To City’s Alerts Page

Having somewhere to cool off on a hot day in Austin is crucial to staying safe during the summer. Knowing where you can go to cool off is now easier for Austinites and visitors thanks to an interactive Google Map on the City’s Alerts page. During the summer months, City facilities like Austin Public Library ...

La Xunta Desarrolla Tecnologías De Inteligencia Artificial Para Ayudar En La Actualización Del Registro De Viñedos

Las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial que permiten “entrenar” un sistema para que sea capaz de diferenciar entre tierras ocupadas por viñedos y aquellas que no lo están serán utilizadas por la Xunta para actualizar la información sobre parcelas vitícolas. Hasta ahora son los técnicos los que tienen que comprobar y, en su caso, descartar las ...

U.S. Commission To Investigate China’s Remote-Sensing Technologies

The U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission issued a solicitation for an unclassified report on China’s remote sensing technologies and applications. The commission, established in 2000, is an independent agency of the U.S. government that directly reports to Congress and the president. The request for proposals, issued Aug. 8, seeks a report that assesses China’s ...

IN-SPACe May Be Looking At 130 Satellites, But Need More Than That: Experts

Is the Indian government looking at having about 130 earth observation satellites under the public-private-partnership model, an idea mooted by the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) in its consultation paper? It seems yes, based on the kind of imagery that is required and the number of revisits a satellite has to make ...
The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

Hurricane-related flooding can result in a slow transformation of ecosystems found on land and in water, as floodwaters can carry invasive wildlife and plant species into new regions, accelerating their spread. When invasive species spread into new areas, there can be environmental, economic and human health effects that can cost the U.S. billions of dollars. ...
Early Detection Helps States Control Invasive Species Before It’s Too Late

Early Detection Helps States Control Invasive Species Before It’s Too Late

As non-native plants invade new areas, state officials worry about their effects on local ecosystems, infrastructure and recreation. Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant commonly found in the Northeast along roadsides, wetland areas and waterways, for example, can damage highway and water infrastructure, according to a 2021 report from the U.S. Transportation Department. It can grow ...