

재난·재해 반복되는데 예방위한 디지털트윈 예산 ‘0’

폭우·폭염 등 재난재해가 반복되는 가운데 예방책 중 하나인 디지털트윈 관련 사업 예산이 보류됐다. 윤석열 정부 국정 과제에 디지털트윈국토 완성이 포함됐으나 긴축기조 속 미래 투자부터 줄인 것으로 보인다. 6일 업계와 관계부처에 따르면 국토교통부 ‘디지털트윈 시범도시’ 사업이 기획재정부 예산 심의 과정에서 빠졌다. 지방자치단체 중심의 ‘시범사업’에서 한 단계 발전시킨 ‘시범도시’ 사업이 좌초위기에 빠진 것이다. 디지털트윈 시범도시 사업은 고정밀전자지도와 ...

3 Indian Space Startups To Launch Satellites In FY24: In-space

Three private sector satellite makers are expected to send their earth observation satellites this fiscal, according to the sectoral regulator Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe). The three companies are the Chennai-based GalaxEye Space Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad-based Dhruva Space and the Bengaluru-based Pixxel. GalaxEye’s first satellite Dhrishti is expected to launch in ...
Spying On Arctic Foxes From Space Reveals The Species Have A Green Thumb Effect On Tundra

Spying On Arctic Foxes From Space Reveals The Species Have A Green Thumb Effect On Tundra

The effects of climate change appear to be driving Arctic fox numbers down in northern Manitoba, threatening their role as “ecosystem engineers” that have a green thumb effect on relatively barren swaths of tundra. That’s according to two separate studies published this summer based on recent research in the Churchill area. “We have classified Arctic ...
Wildfire Watch Forest Fuel Mapping And Drones Represent The Next Wave Of Firefighting

Wildfire Watch: Forest Fuel Mapping And Drones Represent The Next Wave Of Firefighting

Technology is furthering innovation in wildland firefighting across the west, including the Tahoe Basin — and not just in the process of extinguishing flames but in prevention of these catastrophic burns. Last fall, researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno, kicked off a series of projects that seek to map out the vegetation in the ...