

CHCNav Introduces Alphauni 20 Lidar System

CHCNav Introduces Alphauni 20 Lidar System

The AlphaUni 20 (AU20) Lidar system represents a new era in cost-effective, multi-platform mobile mapping solutions, according to CHC Navigation (CHCNav), a global leader in precision mapping, positioning and navigation technologies. Harnessing the power of six years of innovation and product development fuelled by CHCNAV’s Lidar technology, the AU20 is aimed at redefining mobile mapping ...
PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

The Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, along with representatives of different government and public organizations dedicated to environmental conservation in Palawan, attended a training-workshop organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Fish Right program on August 21-23. The workshop consisted of using the features of Google Earth Engine, integrating it with the ...
Governo Lança Painel Que Detalha Ocorrências De Desastres Naturais No Rio Grande Do Sul

Governo Lança Painel Que Detalha Ocorrências De Desastres Naturais No Rio Grande Do Sul

As informações sobre ocorrências de desastres naturais no Rio Grande do Sul entre os anos de 2003 e 2022 foram disponibilizadas pelo governo do Estado em um novo painel, apresentado nesta terça-feira (29/8) durante a 46ª Expointer, em Esteio. No portal, elaborado pela Secretaria de Planejamento, Governança e Gestão (SPGG) em parceria com a Defesa ...

Queensland’s Spatial Cadastre Updated For Inland Rail

A two-year project to survey and model nearly 233,000 hectares of land — equivalent to the size of the Australian Capital Territory — to upgrade Queensland’s spatial cadastre, has been completed as a vital part of delivering the Inland Rail project. The spatial cadastre is used to accurately identify the location of the new rail ...

España Cederá A La UE Imágenes De Su Satélite ‘Espía’

La inteligencia militar española se nutre en buena parte gracias a las imágenes de alta resolución que obtiene a través del Sistema de Observación de la Tierra por Satélite gubernamental con tecnología Radar, más conocido como ‘Satélite PAZ’. España ha decidido ceder gratuitamente a la Unión Europea parte de las imágenes que capten con este ...
Esri Canada Launches Assessment Analyst Valueit For Accurate Property Assessment Values

Esri Canada Launches Assessment Analyst Valueit For Accurate Property Assessment Values

Esri Canada today announced the launch of Assessment Analyst ValueIT, a powerful visualization and analytic application that revolutionizes property assessment by providing clarity and control over the accuracy of assessment values. With AA ValueIT, assessors can confidently determine if assessments meet local or state standards by leveraging the full potential of computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) ...

Location Data Can Help Build The EV Chargepoint Network Of Tomorrow

The Geospatial Commission has today (30 August 2023) published a report to support local authorities to make decisions about where to install electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints in their areas. Location data can arm local authorities with evidence to rollout a public charging network that gives current and prospective EV owners the confidence to make their ...
Google Expands Environmental Mapping Tools

Google Expands Environmental Mapping Tools

Google is expanding its sustainability offerings with new products from its Google Maps platform, including mapping technologies for solar energy, air quality, and pollen distribution. The mapping tools use AI and machine learning paired with aerial imagery and environmental data to provide valuable information for developers, businesses, and organizations to track and mitigate their environmental ...
EuroGeographics And International Cartographic Association Agree Collaboration To Unlock Power Of Location

EuroGeographics And International Cartographic Association Agree Collaboration To Unlock Power Of Location

Experts in authoritative geospatial data, cartography and GIScience have today (29 August 2023) announced a new international collaboration to demonstrate the power of location. Members of EuroGeographics, the not-for-profit association for European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities, and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) will use their collective expertise to support the public good. ...

Dry Farm Researchers’ New Mapping Project Will Give Oregon Growers A Resource

As growing seasons become hotter and drier across the region, farmers are increasingly challenged to grow and sustain their crops. Now Oregon State University is close to launching a dry farming map project. Lucas Nebert, a research associate at OSU, heads the project. He told KLCC that a lot of farmers are interested in alternatives ...
Alberta Scientists Tracking Blue-green Algae Blooms Using Satellite Imagery_gge

Alberta Scientists Tracking Blue-Green Algae Blooms Using Satellite Imagery

A team of experts is working to better understand the spread of blue-green algae in Alberta lakes by combining satellite technology with near-simultaneous water sampling. The project, funded through Alberta Innovates, is a collaboration between several groups, including Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS), the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), and researcher Rolf Vinebrooke from the ...
TEMPO - Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution Over North America

TEMPO – Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution Over North America

The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument collected its “first light” measurements of nitrogen dioxide air pollution over North America on August 2, 2023. Beginning at 11:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time (8:15 AM Pacific Time), the instrument scanned the continent every hour for six consecutive hours. TEMPO measures sunlight reflected and scattered off the ...

CS Launches Online Statistical Data Collection Applications

Chief Secretary of Nagaland, J. Alam, has unveiled two significant online statistical data collection applications developed by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland. The launching programme was held on August 22 at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall in Kohima. According to a DIPR report, the first application is the Village Level Development Indicators (VLDI), ...

News Release: Well Sampling Planned In St. Louis County For Groundwater Atlas

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will collect water samples from about 180 wells in St. Louis County for use in the development of a Groundwater Atlas of St. Louis County. Selected well owners will be contacted by mail or phone to request permission to sample their wells. The process involves collecting a water sample ...

MapBiomas Publica Coleção De Mapas Com 10 Metros De Resolução Espacial

O MapBiomas publicou sua primeira coleção de mapas anuais de cobertura e uso da terra do Brasil feita a partir de imagens de satélite com resolução espacial de 10 metros. A coleção MapBiomas 10 Metros beta produzida com dados dos satélites Sentinel-2 traz os anos de 2016 a 2022 e utiliza um método semelhante e ...
Geospatial AI And ML To Revolutionise Air Quality Monitoring In Indian Cities

Geospatial AI And ML To Revolutionise Air Quality Monitoring In Indian Cities

Geospatial artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning models are set to transform the monitoring of air quality in major Indian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Kolkata. This groundbreaking development was announced by a senior scientist during the India Clean Air Summit (ICAS) 2023. “We must link up SDGs and air pollution indicators, as ...

Gridded Census Data Is Coming, Says Bureau Geographer

In addition to datasets based on mercurial census tracts and census blocks, the U.S. Census Bureau will soon begin publishing datasets in a more reliable gridded format, an agency geographer said during an online event Thursday. Joshua Coutts, a geographer with the bureau’s geography division, told attendees of a National States Geographic Information Council webinar ...
Some Emperor Penguin Sites Experienced 'Total Breeding Failure' Because Of Sea Ice Loss

Some Emperor Penguin Sites Experienced ‘Total Breeding Failure’ Because Of Sea Ice Loss

Using satellite images, scientists at the British Antarctic Survey were able to see that sea ice in the central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea region last year broke up long before the start of the birds’ fledgling period, when penguin chicks would have developed their waterproof feathers. The research, published Thursday in the journal Communications Earth ...
Interactive Map Helps People Find Food And Resources In Illinois

Interactive Map Helps People Find Food And Resources In Illinois

Technology is helping folks with their daily lives find their basic needs. The Find Food IL Map is a digital tool created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it will likely stick around as food insecurity becomes more prevalent. When the pandemic hit, many families found themselves grappling with a new reality – a ...
ENEA Un Servizio Per Mappare Aree A Rischio Inondazione

ENEA: Un Servizio Per Mappare Aree A Rischio Inondazione

ENEA ha sviluppato un nuovo servizio in grado di mappare le aree costiere a rischio inondazione per il cambiamento climatico che abbina modelli ad alta risoluzione, tecnologie satellitari e rilievi sul campo. Il nuovo servizio climatico è stato messo a punto da un team di ricercatori composto da climatologi, esperti GIS, oceanografi e geologi ed ...
Oklahoma Latest State To Launch Interactive Broadband Map

Oklahoma Latest State To Launch Interactive Broadband Map

The Oklahoma Broadband Office launched a new, interactive broadband map on Tuesday that details the availability, speed and equity of internet service across the state. The map shows locations in Oklahoma that either have slow internet speeds or don’t have access to internet at all. It aims to aid the state in planning how to ...
Minagri Utilizará Imágenes Satelitales Para Identificar Zonas Agrícolas Inundadas

Minagri Utilizará Imágenes Satelitales Para Identificar Zonas Agrícolas Inundadas

Con el objetivo de conocer a la brevedad cuáles son las zonas agrícolas del centro-sur del país que están inundadas a causa del sistema frontal, la subsecretaria de Agricultura, Ignacia Fernández, instruyó al Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales (CIREN), coordinar el procesamiento de imágenes satelitales y la entrega de información geoespacial, a través del ...

Khanan Prahari App Helping To Curb Illegal Coal Mining Activities Through Public Participation

The mobile app Khanan Prahari, which allows citizens to report incidents of illegal coal mining through geo-tagged photographs and textual information, is a significant step taken by the Ministry of Coal towards curbing illegal coal mining activities. The corresponding web portal called as Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System (CMSMS) has been developed in association ...

Sask. Project Aims To Reduce Drug Overdose Deaths

Ninety-two confirmed overdose deaths and 199 more suspected deaths have occurred in the province this year as of Aug. 1, according to a report from Saskatchewan’s Coroner. Now, a new project between the University of Regina and AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan (APSS), called Project, was launched on Wednesday, which will aim to change those ...

Anglian Water Uses Satellites To Detect Hard-to-find Water Leaks

Anglian Water reports saving millions of litres of water with space-based detection of water leaks that are otherwise invisible. The company, which supplies water to almost 7 million people mainly in the east of England, launched the programme in December 2022. Based on two complete scans of its service area has reported saving over 2Ml/d ...

Space Intelligence To Map Kenya And Tanzania To Support Integrity And Transparency In The Carbon Markets

According to reports by Space Intelligence, a NatureTech company specialising in Digital MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) across the tropics to support nature-based solutions to climate change, it has been selected to map Kenya and Tanzania to support integrity and transparency in the carbon markets. The maps, expected to be verified by Verra, will help ...
OGC And Partners Release Marine SDI Roadmap

OGC And Partners Release Marine SDI Roadmap

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released the first iteration the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)-M (Marine) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Maturity Roadmap for both marine and terrestrial domains. Developed as part of OGC’s ongoing Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) Initiative, the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is a quick-start guide for nations and marine organizations ...
“Digitaler Zwilling” Online Stadt Trier Als Virtuelle Welt

“Digitaler Zwilling” Online: Stadt Trier Als Virtuelle Welt

Stadtplan war gestern: Die Straßen, Gebäude und Grünflächen von Trier wurden jetzt in ihren Höhen vermessen und zu einem dreidimensionalen „digitalen Zwilling” der Stadt zusammengesetzt. Auch die Bürgerinnen und Bürger können mit ihm am Bildschirm die Stadt aus allen Blickrichtungen neu erleben. Über 100.000 Gebäude wurden für das 3D-Portal in ihrer räumlichen Darstellung automatisiert erfasst, ...
El Casco Histórico De Cáceres, Modelo Digital En 3D Con Una Altísima Resolución

El Casco Histórico De Cáceres, Modelo Digital En 3D Con Una Altísima Resolución

El Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (Mitma) realiza, a través del Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), una recreación en tres dimensiones (3D) del casco histórico de Cáceres mediante una serie de trabajos fotogramétricos. El objetivo es que sirva de experiencia piloto para otras ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, convirtiendo en este municipio ...
Neues Geodatenportal Der Stadt Heidelberg

Neues Geodatenportal Der Stadt Heidelberg

Mehr als nur ein Stadtplan: von Bebauungsplänen über Schulen bis hin zu Wanderwegen – das Geoportal der Stadt Heidelberg bietet alles auf einer Karte. Der altbekannte Online-Stadtplan wurde überarbeitet und bietet Bürgerinnen und Bürgern jetzt als erweitertes Geodatenportal zusätzlich zum bewährten Amtlichen Stadtplan, den Luftbildern und der Liegenschaftskarte viele weitere nützliche Informationen und Themen. Das ...