
CS Launches Online Statistical Data Collection Applications

Chief Secretary of Nagaland, J. Alam, has unveiled two significant online statistical data collection applications developed by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland. The launching programme was held on August 22 at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall in Kohima.
According to a DIPR report, the first application is the Village Level Development Indicators (VLDI), a web-based GIS-enabled platform designed for comprehensive statistical data analytics and monitoring. It facilitates the collection and analysis of major basic amenity indices for villages across RD Blocks and districts in Nagaland. The VLDI application will provide insights into the status of key development indicators at the village level.
The second application, the Estimation of Price Index (PI), is also web-based and comprehensive. The Price Index covers both urban and rural areas, providing an average perspective. This system enables the tracking of inflation by comparing price relatives across different time intervals and geographical locations in Nagaland.