
City Police Geotagging 23,000-plus Surveillance Cameras In Coimbatore

Feeds from surveillance cameras play a key role in tracing and identifying individuals and vehicles during investigations. But locating cameras in a given location after the occurrence of a crime or accident often causes delay in the investigation.
Now, the Coimbatore City Police are in the process of cutting down this delay by geotagging all the surveillance cameras, mainly road facing ones, within their jurisdiction. The exercise is expected to cover a whopping 23,000-plus surveillance cameras in the city. According to City Police Commissioner V. Balakrishnan, the exercise is to plot all the cameras in the geographic information system (GIS) map. “This will help in two things. It will speed up investigation because it is an instrument of management for police. Secondly, we will know places with less number of cameras so that we can concentrate on such places for further installation of cameras,” he said.