
Chicago Uses Tech, Resident Input To Improve Services

The map-based Chicago Recovery Plan was created with feedback from residents. It also allows them to track progress on city projects to create safe neighborhoods and drive equitable economic growth.
Launched in May 2023, the tool is “opening the books on neighborhood investments in a simple, accessible digital format,” Chief Technology Officer Nick Lucius said in a press release. This data transparency site accompanies and complements the city’s Recovery Plan document. The plan’s two main goals are to create thriving and safe communities and drive equitable economic recovery and, thanks to the map-based data tool, residents can measure and track the progress and impact of these goals. According to Lucius, the effort involved “painstaking, resident-focused research and development” as the approach needed to accommodate the multiple programs involved in the $1.2 billion invested in the city in a way that was accessible to residents.