
Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin

Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin
Nottingham City Council is a step closer to achieving its vision of creating a digital twin for the city. In what’s believed to be a UK first they are combining the intricate, rich MetroVista 3D mesh with existing photogrammetric 3D modelling within the same application.
This enables the visualisation of new developments in an immersive real-world environment whilst retaining the ability to engage with their broad network of development stakeholders. Developed using the innovative MetroVista 3D mesh model product from East Midland-based Bluesky International, the new tool will ensure accurate data is driving decision making in a bid to offer transparency and increased engagement with the planning process. Bluesky’s MetroVista data combines ultra-high resolution aerial photography and oblique images with high point density LiDAR to create photo-realistic mesh models.