
University of Illinois System

Study Reveals Stable Soil Moisture Variability Within Fields, Opens Door For Satellite Remote Sensing

Study Reveals Stable Soil Moisture Variability Within Fields, Opens Door For Satellite Remote Sensing

A multi-institutional study led by University of Illinois and Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC) scientists concluded that, although soil moisture varies significantly both within a single field and from field to field due to varying soil properties and different management practices, soil moisture distribution relative to the field average remains consistent across time within each field. ...
Illinois Researchers Develop An AI Model To Reduce Uncertainty In Evapotranspiration Prediction

Illinois Researchers Develop An AI Model To Reduce Uncertainty In Evapotranspiration Prediction

When scientists look at the Earth’s available water for ecosystem services, they don’t just look at precipitation. They must also account for water moving from the ground to the atmosphere, a process known as evapotranspiration (ET). ET includes evaporation from soil and open water pools such as lakes, rivers, and ponds, as well as transpiration ...
Mapping And Health Equity Project Created By UIC Alum, Student Addresses Chicago’s Health Disparities

Mapping And Health Equity Project Created By UIC Alum, Student Addresses Chicago’s Health Disparities

Near the end of the 2019 fall semester, Sonya Gupta was a University of Illinois Chicago undergraduate conducting research on the location and extent of healthcare deserts in the Chicago area and the potential of mobile health clinics to bridge the gap … In the fall of 2020, biological sciences major Ryan Zomorrodi started research ...
Researchers Illuminate Gaps In Public Transportation Access, Equity

Researchers Illuminate Gaps In Public Transportation Access, Equity

Public transit systems offering broad coverage of stops and routes may still underserve the communities that rely on them the most, according to a new University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign study. The study applies contextual engineering to help determine lapses in equity in public bus transportation access using data from the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District as ...

Illinois Farmers Planting More Cover Crops

That’s according to new University of Illinois research showing cover crop adoption reached 7.2% in 2021, up from just 1.8% a decade prior. The finding is the result of sophisticated satellite-based remote sensing efforts that accurately detected cover crops across 140 million acres of cropland and tracked their expansion over 20 years. “We analyzed the ...