
University of California

Shape And Depth Of Ocean Floor Profoundly Influence How Carbon Is Stored There

Shape And Depth Of Ocean Floor Profoundly Influence How Carbon Is Stored There

The movement of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans and continents — the carbon cycle — is a fundamental process that regulates Earth’s climate. Some factors, like volcanic eruptions or human activity, emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Others, such as forests and oceans, absorb that CO2. In a well-regulated system, the right amount of CO2 ...

Organic Farms Can Have Mixed Effects On Pesticide Use Depending On Their Neighbors

Organic agriculture may be as old as dirt, but that doesn’t mean its impacts are fully understood. A team of scientists in the United States and Canada are doing their part to change that. Researchers at UC Santa Barbara, University of British Columbia, and University of Colorado Boulder discovered that organic farming significantly affects the ...
World’s First Map Of Industrial Ocean Use

World’s First Map Of Industrial Ocean Use

Illegal fishing practices through spoofing tracking devices in ships have become a common practice in the industrial use of our oceans. A new study published in the journal Nature corroborates the trend and offers a view of the changing oceanic activities and landscape. Led by Global Fishing Watch, a company founded by Google, the study ...
Tribal Leaders And Researchers Have Mapped The Ancient ‘Lost Suburbs’ Of Los Angeles

Tribal Leaders And Researchers Have Mapped The Ancient ‘Lost Suburbs’ Of Los Angeles

For millions of Los Angeles-area motorists, the Whittier Narrows Recreation Area flashes by in an instant — a tattered oasis of wetlands, sycamore and oak that punctuates the monotonous sprawl of industrial parks, cinder-block sound walls and residential cul-de-sacs along the 60 Freeway and Rosemead Boulevard. But to Andrew Salas, chairman of the Gabrieleño-Kizh tribe, ...
Bats Navigate Social Life With Brain’s GPS

Bats Navigate Social Life With Brain’s GPS

Bats use the same neurons for social navigation as they do for spatial navigation. The study involved wireless neural recording and imaging of groups of Egyptian fruit bats flying in a large room. The bat’s “place” neurons in the hippocampus fired not only to indicate the animal’s location but also the identity of other bats ...

NASA Supercomputer Enables Seasonal Forecasts for High Mountain Asia

Using forecasts run on a NASA supercomputer, scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; the University of California, Berkeley; and the Korea National University of Transportation assessed the ability of NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System Subseasonal to Seasonal Version 2 (GEOS-S2S-2) forecasting system to predict atmospheric and land surface conditions ...
UCSB Research Team Develops Methane Detection Tool

UCSB Research Team Develops Methane Detection Tool

Satish Kumar and his graduate research team at UC Santa Barbara’s Vision Research Lab have led the charge in developing an AI-based methane detection tool called MethaneMapper. This first-of-its-kind software can spot methane gas via complex algorithms. The algorithms analyze multiple visual spectrums of images taken from custom-built cameras 10,000 feet aboveground. “The amount of ...
Diffractive Optical Network Enables Snapshot Multispectral Imaging

Diffractive Optical Network Enables Snapshot Multispectral Imaging

UCLA researchers led by Aydogan Ozcan and Mona Jarrahi have developed a multispectral imaging technology capable of turning a monochrome sensor into a multispectral one. Rather than the traditional absorptive filters used for multispectral imaging, the technology uses a diffractive optical network to form 16 unique spectral bands periodically repeating at the output image field ...
How AI Is Saving Homes And Lives In California During Wildfire Season

How AI Is Saving Homes And Lives In California During Wildfire Season

In California, extreme heat and drought conditions now occur at regular intervals, drying out grassland, pine needles and other foliage, adding to the century-old tinderbox that stokes these enormous fires. However, the state is now harnessing a powerful tool to dampen the effects of these fires, namely artificial intelligence, and specifically machine learning. The abundance ...
Monitoring Forest Threats With New Open Forest Observatory

Monitoring Forest Threats With New Open Forest Observatory

Environmental managers will have a powerful new resource for helping our forests survive and recover from wildfire, drought and disease. UC Davis ecologist Derek Young is leading a team to develop the Open Forest Observatory, a pioneering project combining drone photography and forest mapping with machine learning, remote sensing, big-data crunching and open information sourcing. ...