
Iowa State University

Geographic Technology Provides Landowners With Precise Tools When Making Land Management Decisions

Geographic Technology Provides Landowners With Precise Tools When Making Land Management Decisions

According to Lee Burras and Bradley Miller, agronomists at Iowa State University, advances in geospatial technology coupled with more traditional farming knowledge have allowed researchers and landowners to understand the land more intimately than ever before. Miller, who began his career working in water quality, has seen firsthand how soil can be impacted by the ...
New Conservation Planning Tool Allows Users To Evaluate Tailored Cost-benefit Tradeoffs

New Conservation Planning Tool Allows Users To Evaluate Tailored Cost-benefit Tradeoffs

Conservation planning is entering a new era of precision problem-solving with the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF), and its just-released Financial and Nutrient Reduction Tool (FiNRT). “ACPF itself is a non-prescriptive conservation planning framework supported by high-resolution geospatial data and an ArcGIS toolbox,” said Emily Zimmerman, assistant professor in Iowa State’s Department of Natural Resource ...