
Cal Poly

University Researchers Map Out Vegetation In The Klamath Mountains

University Researchers Map Out Vegetation In The Klamath Mountains

Cal Poly Humboldt students and faculty across various disciplines are embarking on an ambitious project to map out vegetation in the Klamath Mountains. This data will have many applications, including understanding how vegetation regenerates after fires, and how plant communities are being affected by a drying and warming climate. In the long term, this project ...
Beating The Heat Students Map California Tree Canopy To Cool Cities As Climate Warms

Beating The Heat: Students Map California Tree Canopy To Cool Cities As Climate Warms

This summer, a group of students are embarking on a groundbreaking project: mapping tree canopy cover in California. Tree canopies, which provide shade, can offset the heat island effect in cities. The effect is caused by buildings, roads and other human-made infrastructure absorbing and then re-emitting heat. In a warming climate, the heat island effect ...